Too Good to Lose: Flyfishing Reports from 2017

Here is a few of our top flyfishing reports from 2017. If you are new to the Snowy Mountains, trying flyfishing for the first time, or just bored of the isolation of 2020 and need to pretend you are flyfishing, have read at these. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed fishing them. 

December Fishing Update

flyfishing lake jindabyne

Just when you thought it was safe to get in the water!!

The last few days has been a little wet to say the least! But there is a light on the horizon! The weather should start to settle down in the next few days and hopefully summer will come back in full force!!! Even though the rivers and streams are running high, there are still some nice fish to be had! A little fine tuning of technique can get some good results. Down and across streamer fishing can get you into some action on the moving water, and there’s nothing quite like a take from an aggressively feeding fish!! Wooly buggers and heavy flies are you go to patterns for this technique, and if the water is running a little faster, a sink tip on the end of your fly line can help get the flies down to the fish!!! Another way of fishing high water on streams and creek is to fish the margins with a dry and dropper, placing a short cast into the slower moving water by the banks can entice a feeding fish from under the bank! Big dry flies that float well like Stimulators and big Wulff patterns with weighted nymph suspended  couple of feet underneath can be deadly effective.  The Thredbo river is probably the pick of the rivers and streams when the water is running high and heavy as the smaller creeks can be a little harder to fish during these times, But remember that the fish have to eat! So try all options and work hard and slow to get the best results.

With all the water flowing, the lakes are definitely getting a bit of a top up and they are looking like a very good option to fish at the moment as the water is way up onto the grass (especially Lake Jindabyne!) which should encourage some big fish to move in closer looking for some new food in the grassy areas. Damsel flies, Dragon flies, Midge and Mayflies should be your go to patterns when fishing the lake at this time of year. Nighttime is the best time for fishing the lake in summer. Muddler minnows splashed and dragged through the surface can produce some great hook-ups at night (especially on those darker nights!!)

Hopefully summer will make a return very shortly and we will be back into the dry-fly action again? Until then just think a little outside the box and you should still pick up a fish or two!

Our fly shop is fully stocked and we have just about anything you need for a high country adventure! Drop in for a chat and pick up some flies and supplies! We’ll “hook you up” with whats fishing hot!

Happy fishing!! and Happy holidays

The High Country Crew.

flies and fly tying


Snowy Mountains Fishing Report

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

What a season so far!! With so much snow up in the mountains, and all this warm weather, we are experiencing some of the biggest snow-melts in years, and with that brings some tough conditions for fly fishing some of the larger rivers and streams in the snow country, the Thredbo is running very high and has a lot of water coming down, and it doesn’t look like settling any time soon. The trick to fishing the big flows is either to use a fair bit of weight when nymphing and placing your casts a fair way up-stream to get down to the fish or fish the margins of the river with a dry fly and nymph dropper. A well placed cast into the slower water right up against the bank can be deadly effective. A larger Stimulator or Wulffs are great attractor fly patterns to fish above a tungsten nymph. The longer you can put the nymph under the dry fly the better the result as a lot of these fish are still quite deep. Flies to use should be heavily weighted Hare and Copper, PTN’s, Sawyers nymphs, are getting good results.

The smaller creeks and streams in the lower lying areas are proving to be the go to places at the moment. A little local knowledge and some leg-work can get you into some amazing fishing right now. There have been some great hatches of Mayflies during the day and some epic termite and ant falls in the evening. Fishing these waters requires some stealth and patience, but if you persevere you will be rewarded. There has been a lot of pressure on these fish in recent weeks so bring your A-game.

Both Lake Jindabyne and Eucumbene have been a little slow for shore based fishing, although both lakes are on the rise and the weather is warming so it shouldn’t be long before we start seeing some fish move in closer to the edges for some sight fishing?

Lake Jindabyne is currently at 81%

Lake Eucumbene is currently at 43%

Both lakes should continue to rise as the snowmelt continues.

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

This years range of fly fishing gear is our biggest ever!!! We have searched all over for some of the best value, greatest performing, can’t live gear around!!!! Come on in for a chat and grab some flies before you head out on the water. Dont forget to follow us on instagram @highcountry_outfitters and @flycandy007 for our latest adventures and up to date fishing conditions.

Have a great week Guys ‘n’ Gals,

The High Country Crew.


Trout Season Opens

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

After what seamed to be a never ending winter with some epic snow conditions not seen in years the time has finally come to get back into the rivers for some trouty goodness! There is plenty of snow on the hills and that means there’ll be plenty of water in the river and creeks for the next little while with all the snow melt. The season outlook looks set to be one of the best starts in years. There are already plenty of fish in the waterways and the Hatchery have pulled the traps in the Thredbo river after getting their quota and now allowing for a greater natural recruitment into the system. The weather has definitely warmed up and we are seeing daytime temps well into the double digits (you might even see some early hatches and get some “Dry Time” very soon).

The Rivers will be open to fish from midnight tonight!!! During the first couple of months of the river season we should still see some rainbow trout still in spawning mode. Be aware that these spawning fish are the lifeblood of our fishing, so please treat these fish carefully and return them to the water as soon as possible. For best results during the early part of the season a couple of nymphs fished below the surface should get you into the action. Standard patterns like Hare & Copper, Pheasant tail nymphs, Gold ribbed hares ear, and just about any natural colored Mayfly or Caddis fly Nymphs should do the trick. Fish them under an indicator for best results. With the warmer weather it could also pay to have some dry flies in your box as well. Elk Hair Caddis, Royal Wullfs, Stimulators, and Ant patterns in sizes 12 -18.

high country outfitters flyfishing shop


The Lakes have been fishing reasonably well albeit a little slower than previous years, with Lake Eucumbene just out fishing Jindabyne by a fraction. The sight fishing on both lakes seems to be less productive than prospecting with some streamer patterns in the deeper water. Wooly Buggers and Killer patterns are working well.

catching large fish on a fly rod

Our Fly Shop is now open and we have been very busy this winter searching for the latest and greatest fly fishing gear at some of the best prices ever!!!! With fantastic new products from Simms, Patagonia, Airflo, Scott, Redington, Sage, Lamson, Vision, and many many more.

Get into High Country Outfitters for everything you need for your next fly fishing trip.

Service, Sales, and Advice on everything Fly!!!


Gaden Trout Hatchery Update


Here is the overview of the hatchery works over the last few weeks:

All our eggs for the 17-18 stocking season have been laid down and the trap has been taken out as of the 30th August.

Although the spawning run started late due to a lack of water and rain events, the Browns ran really well, with 2247 individuals recorded before the trap was taken out, and more still in the system near the hatchery. 400000 eggs have been laid down at Gaden, with another 600000 set aside for Dutton Hatchery.

We have about 300,000 wild RT eggs laid down for the Jindabyne and Eucumbene allocation, and 800,000 eggs from our 2+ and 3+ broodstock, which have all been mixed with wild males. The trapped Rainbow count for the year was 366 individuals, with many more seen after the trap was taken out.

About 25000 rainbow trout eggs were collected from Hughes and Tolbar creeks in the Eucumbene system on the 31st August. Once hatched, these fish will act as a genetic variation for the Jindabyne system, and future broodstock.

The findings from the coded wire tagging program were as follows:

  • Hughes Ck- total R/T collected 229 including 6 tagged 2 false detection’s due to fish hooks
  • Tolbar Ck total R/T collected 102 including 1 tagged
  • Hatchery collected 366 Rainbow trout from the Thredbo River, with a total of 26 fish tagged and 4 false detection’s due to fish hooks etc. These tagged fish were from 3 year classes.

All unwanted 2+ 3+ rainbow trout broodstock (230 individuals) have been released into Lake Jindabyne with an elastomer implant (pink) inserted near the left eye.

Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon have just started to hatch, with the brown hatchlings running a bit late due to the late trapping season.

 Gaden Trout Hatchery release


Jindabyne Fishing Report


trout flyfishing snowy mountains

The foreshore fishing is picking up and the trout are starting to come in nice and close to the edges. Lake Jindabyne water level is sitting at around 74%, and Lake Eucumbene is at 35%. With both lakes storage being low it makes for some great sight fishing opportunities (especially at this time of year) The polaroiding on both lake is about to go gang-busters. There have already been some great Mayfly hatches coming off the surface during the day and there have been a few browns cruising the edges taking them off the surface. Below the surface and in the deeper water there are plenty of yabbies for the fish to gorge themselves on.

lake Eucumbene is fishing a little better than Jindabyne at the moment, but Jindabyne should pick up just as soon as we get a few warmer days. The low water levels of both lakes has exposed quite a few yabby beds and the browns have been coming right in close at night with some very good quality fish being caught, especially in the evenings.

Wooly buggers slowly retrieved off the bottom seem to be working quite well, Killer patterns such as Hammils Killers and Mrs Simpsons will work very well also.

This time of year is when the sight fishing comes into its own. The cooler days are becoming warmer and the edges are starting to show signs of bug-life. A slow walk around the lake armed with a small unweighted nymph can be some of the most exciting fishing you can get. The key to successful polaroiding is not to get too excited and cast to the fish as soon as you see it. Just relax and watch the fish! The fish will  generally work a beat allowing you to predict its movements and letting you cast a small fly to the unsuspecting feeding trout!! Well at least that what we hope for!!?? Small unweighted nymphs are my favorite flies for sight fishing at this time of the year, and would also pay to have a couple of smaller dry mayfly patterns handy as well.

There is still plenty of snow on the ground and some forecast, so whether your into fishing or snow sports we have you covered. Come on down to Jindabyne for some of the best snow in years and you might even get yourself a trout??

Happy Fishing Folks.

The High Country Crew.


Winter is here

man flyfishing on lake jindabyne


There’s snow on the hills and frost on the ground!! The trout rivers and streams have closed after a spectacular season. Now it’s time to focus on the lakes.

Lake Jindabyne has seen a lot of water being let out into the lower Snowy river this week with some big environmental releases, with that we should see the lake level drop a little bit. Hopefully getting us a little closer to the weed beds and fish. Fishing the edges around drop-offs will be the best way to find some good fish, get your fly down deep and slowly retrieve a small Wooly Bugger or Black Nymph and hold on. The rainy windier days have proven to be the best times to get out and fish. The sunnier days have been very still and making the fishing a little tough leaving the angler very exposed to the fish making them quite wary to venture in close. evenings and mornings during these days will increase your chances of hooking up.

Lake Eucumbene has been a little quiet lately with boat anglers having a little more success than the shore based angler. Although I have heard of a few reasonable fish being caught over the past couple of days from some fly-fishers prospecting with small nymphs and smaller “killer” style flies.

Both lakes will continue to improve over the coming weeks as the edges really start cooling off. If your coming down for a snow holiday anytime soon don’t forget to pack a rod and experience winter trout fishing in one of our lakes that are open to fish all-year round.

Happy Fishing Folks!!!


trout flyfishing snowy mountains


UPDATE!! The Brown trout are in the river!

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

After a good down pour of rain last weekend, we are starting to see the annual pilgrimage of spawning Brown trout move into the rivers around the region. It has been a little slow to start and with not much rain forecast for the next few weeks the fishing is going to be a little tricky, however if you hold your ground and persevere you will be rewarded with some very good conditioned fish.

The Thredbo has seen a greater run of fish than the Eucumbene at this stage, however things can change in a matter of moments. The next bit of rain should see a greater number move into the river system.

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

Whether you are a fan of this style of fishing or not there is no doubt it can be a very exciting way of catching a trophy sized fish that would normally be much harder to hook. Please remember if you are going to fish the spawn run, these big fish a the future of our fishery and should be treated with great respect and care. Minimal handling and returning them to the water as soon as you can (after a photograph of course!!) will help ensure that we have a great trout fishery in the future. Also, this season has seen the new fence/gate erected at Denisson to restrict anglers driving their cars across the spawn beds and also to ensure all anglers can enjoy this annual event. Please respect other anglers and the environment so everyone can have an enjoyable and memorable experience.

Both Lake Jindabyne and Lake Eucumbene have been fishing a little slow from the edges, with most productivity happening from the boat based anglers in the deeper water. As winter draws nearer, and the temperatures of the lake start to cool, we should see some great shore based fishing from both the lakes. Night and early mornings will be the best time to patrol the lakes edges.

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

We are starting to wind down the river fishing season and have some great specials on rod and reel combos. we also have one of the best ranges of flies in the area! Come on in and say G’day!!

The High Country Crew

Jindabyne Fishing Report

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

The frosts are here and there’s a chill in the air. With just over a month left of the river fishing season, the rain has given them a long over due drink, and the brown trout are starting to show signs of some movement. The poplars have changed color and their leaves are starting to fall. The river fishing is still very good with some nice fish still being caught off the surface. There have been a few smaller beetles and the odd hopper still getting about, although with the colder weather and frosts their presence will be short lived. Its time to start looking below the surface.

The Thredbo river has had a well deserved drink thanks to mother nature and is running at a great level right now and with some more rain forecast over the next little while it should remain at good level until the end of the season. The higher section of the river (above the Ski Tube) is still fishing a little better than the lower section, although I do see this changing over the next couple of weeks as there has already been signs of some brown trout starting their spawn run. Fishing the higher section with a dry and dropper should produce some good results. A simple combination of a smaller stimulator and a pheasant tail nymph or Hare & copper should work fine.  The lower section would probably be fished best with a double nymph rig with an indicator or maybe even a glo-bug.

Lake Jindabyne has picked up a little with  the cooler weather and a few good fish have been spotted and caught around the edges. The deeper water is still fishing better however so getting your flies down deeper is going to be an advantage. Wooly buggers and Killer patterns are still my favorite go-to flies.

Lake Eucumbene has also picked up a little as well. The constant fluctuations of the lake have made the fishing quite erratic with one day being quite good and the next not so much.  There has also been reports of browns starting to move up into the Eucumbene river as well.

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

Remember as we start to get into the Brown trout spawning season and the madness that ensues, we all need to have some respect for these beautiful fish and the anglers that fish for them. I’ll touch more on that next time! In the mean time get ready for some insane fishing to come. Remember to drop into the shop to stock up on all your sub-surface flies and gear. We have an incredible range of spawning patterns available.

Happy Fishing Folks



Happy Autumn Everyone!!

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler, and the fishing is getting better! Its been a long hot summer and the fishing this river season has been one of the best in years!!

With the cooler weather fast approaching, we should start to see some rain falling, giving the rivers and streams a good freshening up and start to see some bigger fish moving into the river system over the next month or so. Until we see some rain things are going to slow down a little as the water levels in the streams and creeks are starting to get a little low. There have been some very good numbers of hoppers around. Casting a larger hopper or stimulator style of fly near the banks should get some interest from trout hiding under the bank in the shadows. You don’t need to be too delicate in the presentation as the bigger terrestrials really make their presence known when they get blown onto the water, so don’t be afraid to really whack that fly on the surface!!

The higher water (above 1200mtrs) is the pick of the most productive water as the water temps are a little more comfortable for the trout to feed and relax! You still need to be pretty stealth in your actions though as there are so many fish that you only need to spook one little tucker to put the rest of the fish in the run in to flight mode!

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

Early mornings and later in the afternoon have been the pick of the times for productivity during the warmer full sun days, however generally the middle of the day has also been producing some good hatches of caddis and some smaller mayflies. Although some days have been still quite warm and can get a bit uncomfortable for both the angler and fish. Be sure to carry plenty of water and sunscreen when fishing exploring the waterways.

Lake Jindabyne has been a little slower for shore based fishing as the water temps in the lake are still a bit high to bring the bigger fish to the edges. Night time fishing on the lake has been reasonable with some fish caught around the bays and drop offs on mudeye and streamer patterns. Daytime fishing on the lake has been very “hit or miss” with the polaroiding options being quite tough at the moment.

Lake Eucumbene has been fishing a little better although it is still a bit low and muddy around the edges. There have been reports of midge in the evening around the soaks and mudeyes have also been getting around. A slowly retrieved nymph or wooly bugger would be the flies to use.

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

Don’t forget that we have a fully stocked fly shop with all the latest and greatest gear to suit any budget or ability. Our Echo range of fly gear has been very well received by anglers from the novice to the seasoned pro. Prices start from an unbelievable $149.95 for the Echo Base (comes with a hard tube and lifetime warranty). We also have rods and reels from Sage, Scott, Redington, Loop, Airflo, and Vision. And everything else from rod to fly!

Come on down to Jindabyne and get in to the action!!!

Tight lines and tight loops!



Happy New Year!!

trout flyfishing snowy mountains

Its looking to be a great year so far! If fishing was an indicator as to how the year will play out, then we’re in for an awesome year ahead! Fishing in the area has been very good. The daytime temps have been quite comfortable (compared to heatwave hitting the rest of the country!!) making river and lake daytime fishing very productive.

Beetles have been hitting the water in great numbers and the fish are ready and willing to take them off the surface. The windier days are a great oppourtunity to fish the tree lined banks and edges of the rivers and lakes. There is everything from smaller black beetles right through to gigantic christmas beetles! There have been some good reports coming from anglers fishing the lake in the evening having great success on larger surface patterns slowly retrieved into the path of a beetle feeding fish.

All the rivers and streams in the high country are fishing very well with just about all fish feeding freely of the surface. There are plenty of bugs around, with mayflies, caddis and black beetles being the dominate insects. Sizes will vary from #10 to #16. keeping a good selection of Parachute Adams, Elk Hair Caddis, Royal Wulffs, Foam Beetle , as well as some Klinkhammers will keep you covered for most situations.

The lakes have been fishing very well in the evenings and suprisingly well during the day, with some larger Browns still cruising the edges (probably looking for beetles?).  Daytime sight fishing on the lakes can be a bit trying during the hotter times, however if you put in the time and keep your eyes peeled you may be rewarded. Wooly Buggers, Hamils killers, and Muddler Minnows during the afternoon and late into the night are some good searching patterns and often result in some fantastic fish. Also look out for late afternoon insect hatches around the edges, Damselflies, midge, mayflies, and caddis often make an appearance and can send the fish into a feeding frenzy!

We have just received a new shipment of Echo Fly rods and reels. The Echo Base fly rod starts at $149.00 and ready to fish kits from $249.95 with a lifetime warranty. They are going out the door faster than we can get them!! A great value fishing and casting rod that is affordable for everyone. they also have some fantastic Glass rods from $299, and I can say they are sensational casting rods!!


flyfishing rods, flyfishing reels


Originally Posted 2017, Updated 15th June 2020  



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Check out these other Fly Fishing Reports from the High Fly Vault:

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